Saturday, December 22, 2012

Vanilla Crème Brulée "Not" (香草"不"蕾)

My little sis and I were talking about the upcoming holidays and what she's going to make for her friends to sweeten them up. (Really? With her skill of cooking???! XD) After carefully thinking about it, she told me that she wanted to make crème brulée. (Wow, so ambitious!!!) She asked me if it were possible to make a "double flavored" crème brulée, which would have a layer of cocoa powder on both the top and bottom of the the custard. Yummy! But unfortunately I had to tell her that it's not possible to do that for the bottom, only the top. 



I also suggested a chocolate crème brulée, but since I'm not so much of a chocolate person myself, I wasn't so keen on the"cocoa idea". Besides, without the crusty sugary topping, it wouldn't be a crème brulée... or would it? Ultimately, we settled on the idea of dusting cocoa powder on top of a classic vanilla crème brulée custard (well, you know any recipe for my little sis has to be easy!), and as for the result, it was actually quite good! Even for a non-chocoholic like myself, I was pretty surprised at how much I enjoyed it!

So there, that's the story of how this crème brulée recipe was born! It's not your classic crème brulée, but in a way, it is. If there's anything, I made this recipe even lighter, healthier, yummier (with real vanilla beans, of course!), but it still keeps its creaminess. I know we're "breaking the rules" but I never really liked eating all that sugar on top anyway; the best part for me is the custard. 


There's another good reason to make this recipe: if you're someone who's intimidated by the idea of using a torch (or perhaps you don't even own a torch, like me), you'll be glad that there's no torch gun and no flaming involved. In a way, it's even easier than making a crème caramel, but shhhhhhhhhh...don't tell your guests. Make this for your Christmas party and I guarantee your guests will be very impressed both by the taste and the appearance!!!


Vanilla Crème Brulée "Not" (6 serveings)

1/2 fresh vanilla bean (or 1/4 if you're using vanilla sugar
A:  250 ml (about 1 C) cream
     240 ml (about 1 C) half and half
     4 T cane sugar or vanilla sugar (if you saw my earlier post and made some)

B:  4 large egg yolks
     2T maple syrup or cane sugar
     about 1/4 C good quality dark cocoa powder


1. Bring a pot of water (about 2 or 3 cups, depending on the size of your roasting pan) to a boil. 
2. Place six 4-oz (125 cc) ramekins in a deep roasting pan. 

3. Cut open the vanilla bean piece and scrape out as much of the seeds as you can with a small paring knife. 

4. In a medium size pot, add the vanilla seeds, the empty vanilla pod, and ingredients A. Gently heat it over medium heat just before it comes to a boil. Turn off the heat, cover the pot and let it sit for 10 minutes. *For this procedure, you must keep your eyes on it!

5. Preheat the oven to 300ºF.
6. Whisk ingredients B together in a medium size bowl. 


7. Slowly pour in mixture A to B and whisk at the same time. Be sure to pour the cream mixture very slowly and keep whisking. 

8. Strain it through a fine sieve.

9. Pour and divide the mixture evenly into the ramekins. Place the whole roasting pan (with the ramekins) in the oven on the middle rack. Carefully and slowly add enough hot boiling water to come halfway up the sides of the the ramekins. Bake until almost set, though still slightly wobbly, 25 to 30 minutes. 

10. Remove the roasting pan from the oven. Put the ramekins on a rack and let them cool. Cover with plastic wrap and chill them for at least 1 hour. 

11. Simply sprinkle the cocoa powder through a fine sieve over the chilled custard. If you have some mini decorative cake stencils, you can use them to create fancy designs, as well! 


crème brulée is supposed to be made in the oven but since my sis doesn't have one (which is quite common in Taiwan), I'm adding this steaming method below as an alternative.

Steaming Method:


1. Skip steps 1 and 2 (from above); prepare six 4-oz (125 cc) ramekins and set them on the side.

2. Heat the steamer.

Follow step 3 through step 8 above.

9. Pour and divide the custard mixture evenly into the ramekins. Place all the ramekins in the steamer and steam over low heat for 25-30 minutes, until almost set, though still slightly wobbly.

Finish with steps 10 and 11 above.

(See below for more photos)


前陣子和老妹聊天,講到聖誕節即將來臨,想做個特別的甜點讓同事們開心過節.. (老妹的廚藝,他們真的會開心嗎? XD) 她想了一下之後說想做布蕾,她問我「我想撒點可可粉增加第二種味道..但整體仍以雞蛋布蕾為主角..你覺得這樣會好吃吧? 還是把可可粉加在底層? 或換成布丁底層那種焦糖漿?Um…聽起來不錯,但是要上下都有可可粉是不可能的,只能放在上層

此外,我也向她提議直接改做巧克力布蕾之類的,就不需這麼麻煩還要分上中下層,畢竟是甜點門外漢,還沒學爬就想跑.. 太傻太天真! 加上我自己並不是那麼愛吃巧克力,所以對加可可粉這主意並不怎看好,更何況,沒有了上面那層脆脆的糖霜,還能當它是布蕾嗎??? .. 我最終還是決定先嘗試在上方撒可可粉這個主意。我必須承認,在嘗試之後,我發現它竟然意外的好吃,連我這個不是那麼愛巧克力的都忍不住上癮!! (是不是!!! 可可粉是好物!!!) ß 來自遙遠的台灣老妹的含扣

這就是我兩姐妹獨家""蕾食譜的由來!雖然它不能算是經典款布蕾,但在某個程度上它也算是(所以是還不是哩???)。偷偷透露給你們大家,這食譜不像一般布蕾那樣的甜那樣的油,還另外加入新鮮的香草豆提味,味道更濃醇香了,口感光滑細嫩.. 那是當然搭~ 給共ㄟ!! 哇哈哈哈哈~ (超囂張)

推薦你們這個食譜的另一個理由是,如果你不大敢使用瓦斯噴槍(或者根本沒有),那省了這道手續也免於燙傷風險的這道食譜,你絕對不能錯過喔! 我們這個做法甚至比做交糖奶蛋還更容易喔.. ~~~~~~~~~~~ 別跟人家說。在聖誕趴替上亮出這個布蕾,它的滋味和可愛的外貌,保證絕對會驚艷全場喔!!


1/2支新鮮的香草棒 (如果你有香草糖,可以只用1/4)

A:  鮮奶油 1250 cc
     奶水 1杯或250 cc
     砂糖香草糖 6 大匙

B:  4 蛋黃
     楓樹糖漿或砂糖 2 大匙


1. 將一壺水燒開 (23杯,跟據你的烤盤大小而定)

2. 6125cc的烤杯放置在有深度的烤盤中

3. 剖開新鮮的香草棒,用小刀刮出所有的籽 

4. 在一個中型的鍋子內,加入香草籽空的香草棒A料用中火慢慢加熱至冒小泡泡即可熄火,蓋上鍋蓋,放置約10分鐘。 *這個步驟要注意,不要讓A燒開!

5. 將烤箱預熱到150c /300F

6. B料用攪拌器打散混合均勻

7. .將熱過的A液慢慢一點一點加入B,一邊加入一邊攪拌

8. 用濾網過濾攪拌均勻的雞蛋鮮奶液

9. 把過濾好的雞蛋牛奶液平均倒入放置在烤盤內的6個烤杯中, 將整個烤盤放置在烤箱中間的烤架上, 在烤盤內慢慢倒入約2-3cm高燒開的熱水。放入已經預熱至150C的烤箱中烘烤25-30分鐘 。*烤到液體還微有晃動即可拿出

10. 在架上放涼後蓋上保鮮膜,放入冰箱中冷藏至少1小時

11. 食用前將可可粉放在小濾網中,在容器上輕輕搖晃撒上可可粉


1. 跳過以上步驟12,準備好6125cc的烤杯,放置一旁

2. 將蒸籠加熱


9. 把過濾好的雞蛋牛奶液平均倒入6個烤杯中, 將所有的烤杯放入蒸籠內,小火慢慢蒸25-30分鐘 。*蒸到液體還微有晃動即可拿出


I place a piece of towel in the bottom of the roasting pan to avoid cups sliding around.


Add hot boiling water to the roasting pan.


Out from the oven!



For those of you who doesn't have a oven, you can try the steaming method (See recipe above). 

若是沒有烤箱,也可以用蒸的效果也不錯! (食譜)

sprinkle the cocoa powder through a fine sieve

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